Curated product listings at TITUS

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Committed to providing customers with a great experience, TITUS is the premier destination for all things skateboarding and streetwear related since 1978. TITUS offers a diverse selection of high-quality skateboarding and streetwear products both online and in over 20 local TITUS skateshops. Beginners and professionals alike find the best skate products from over 200 exclusive brands in TITUS' shop. From humble beginnings in a tiny garage, TITUS has grown to become one of the leading suppliers for high-quality skateboards and other products throughout Europe and the world, selling to 40 countries.
The online B2C shop utilizes the Shopware platform along with Matomo as tracking system. The category list sortings were done manually, prioritizing new products on top, yet lacking any data-driven approach. TITUS‘ challenge was to involve its online shop in its sales strategy as touchpoint for discovery. Thus, TITUS wanted to optimize the search list sortings to enhance customer inspiration.
Further, some highly specialized skateboarding products, generally with a higher price point, were targeted to a narrowly defined audience. To increase the conversion rate of this segment, TITUS wanted to improve the relevance of product recommendations based on price-sensitivity. So far, product list sortings based on manual rules with new products in prominent positions. Yet, there was no data-driven, automated process in place that allowed lists to be displayed automatically while matching the current user‘s interests and needs.

TITUS linked itself to the ODOSCOPE platform with the Shopware plugin provided by ODOSCOPE. With this plugin TITUS was fast and easily onboarded to the Customer Engagement pPatform and had ad-hoc access to the sorting tools and AI modules of the ODOSCOPE universe.
TITUS uses the ODOSCOPE situationalization approach to sort products according to the current individual users’ shopping needs and situations, increasing the relevance of product recommendations , so that every user finds what they need.
With the use of personal and situative data, ODOSCOPE has provided defined, precise and targeted results, helping TITUS to offer its users and customers the best possible shopping experiences.
With ODOSCOPE, we can effectively use our data to drive success by providing an individualized and positive shopping experience for our customers.
By connecting to the ODOSCOPE platform, TITUS now provides automated, data-driven, user-individual lists that adopt to the user’s needs in the moment the user clicks and visits the online shop.
With the use of ODOSCOPE, TITUS increased its sales by 8,5% as well as product order volume by 7,2%.

With ODOSCOPE, we can effectively use our data to drive success by providing an individualized and positive shopping experience for our customers. ODOSCOPE has supported us very well with smooth, timely and uncomplicated communication during the technical integration and extension.
Raphael Bergmann
Full Stack Web Developer
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ODOSCOPE helps ecommerce retailers sell their goods in a targeted and profitable way through future-proof, scalable personalization and AI-powered merchandising. We provide a privacy-compliant customer engagement platform for managing all digital sales channels, enabling business users to analyze and profitably leverage user, customer and market data. Based on user-centric, automated, real-time decisions, we enable our clients to show the right content at the right time in the right way to each individual online user - whether known, anonymous or not yet recognized.
Yes, because we want to give you the best of both worlds.
Scalable personalization is entirely data-driven. It is highly accurate and lightning fast. It intelligently combines knowledge from multiple digital touchpoints and is fully automated. Scalable personalization easily enables any number of playout variants based on high-dimensional prescriptive analytics.
With Merchandising, you can actively contribute your knowledge and experience: you can control which products are promoted or penalized based on margins or out-of-stocks. All playout scenarios remain purely data-driven and user-specific. This allows you to make targeted sales while taking into account campaign goals or promotional surcharges. Often there are multiple factors at play.
We offer plugins for Shopware, Shopify and Salesforce for quick and easy integration into a shop system (as of Q1, 2024). Otherwise ODOSCOPE is integrated into the store system via REST API. The integration is thoroughly documented and closely monitored by our reliable Customer Success Team.
Each of our customers is in close contact with a dedicated account manager and representative from our Customer Success team. Personal contacts are always available via email or a customer-specific Slack or Teams channel.
An ODOSCOPE license is essentially calculated based on the traffic volume of an online shop per year (sessions per year in 1 million steps). Another factor is the number of AI modules used for the various onsite personalization activities like product list sorting, search result sorting, recommendations, mailings, adaptive ads etc.
We want all customers to be happy and satisfied with our solution and services, of course. However, if a customer decides to end the contract, the contractually agreed notice period applies. In general, an annual license will be renewed for another year unless it is cancelled in writing with 3 months notice to the end of the contract.