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Genuine experiences from our clients

ODOSCOPE is the tool for individually decorating online shop windows.


Teamlead Merchandise, GOLDNER

Significantly more sales through targeted and personalized merchandising. ODOSCOPE gives us the ability to optimize the sorting of items in a targeted way.


Procurement, DF Automotive

Personalised Product Listing Pages and Recommendations – Optimal Result, Minimal Effort.


Business Development Manager Omnichannel, BRAX Store GmbH & Co. KG

We were actually quite satisfied with our previous RECO. But with the situational recommendations, ODOSCOPE has taken it up a notch. The enormous uplifts have convinced us to completely replace our classic RECO.


Manager Projects, asambeauty

ODOSCOPE helps us to profitably use our big data sets we collected. The clear backend makes it easy for us to understand at any time how the recommendations are made.


Head of E-Commerce,

With the ODOSCOPE Situationalization Platform, we can now use our data to offer all visitors the most relevant products according to their respective shopping situation. This can revolutionize the shopping experience at PETER HAHN and significantly increase sales, order and return rates.


Leiter Digital Product Management & Marketing Automation, Peter Hahn

OMR leader badge: ODOSCOPE is leader in E-Com Personalization.
34 Bewertungen